Thursday, September 22, 2011

Is this... it can't be!!

That's right ladies and gentlemen, your eyes are not deceiving you! This is a classic arcade-style controller for an NES emulator for your iPhone called the NES Advantage!! Now how freggin' awesome is that!?! I don't have an NES emulator on my iPhone (or any emulators for that matter) but I want one. Just to have it. Just to say that I have one. To show that I am better than you. At everything. '__' That is all.

Lego Sonic the Hedgehog

Totally needs to be a video game... anyways, this is really cool! I even like that this is more of the younger (classic) Sonic than the current one. I wish I had the patience to put together such a masterpiece... but I don't. I'd rather have a picture of someone else's work and post it on my blog. >.> That is all.

Portal, but IRL

Green with envy, I be!! I wish I were this creative and had this much spare time.. and  resources... to make awesome stuffs like this. I would have these all over the place. No lies.

It's a PokePizza!

I tell you, there are some really clever people out there. I would have never thought of making a pizza look like a pokeball using pepperoni, cheese and black lolives. (lol was a typo but I decided to keep it for the shiggles)

My painting of Tetsuya Nomura

Alright, before you go judging me and my skills, first consider this: I SUCK AT PAINTING!! My teacher wanted us to so a monochromatic painting of a famous person that we like in our respective career fields. I want to design characters for stories, anime and video games some day, so why not idolize a man who has done just that for a huge company for years and years. I want to be like this guy some day or at least in his position (career wise of course). So anyways, here's meh painting of him. I don't like it too much but it turned out much better than I initially thought it would.

Choose your destiny...

Well? What are you waiting for? Choose...

The Last Lawl

Whoever put this together is a genius and he/she wins at art. 'Nuff said.

Hey! That's my GBA... Oh wait.. it's and iPhone 4..

I want, I want I want I want I want IWANT!! @.x It's a freggin GBA phone case for your freggin iPhone!! Just shoot my brain through my nostrils because my life is compwete! XD

You've got some Lion O in your Carrot Top...

Kinda makes me want to puke.. well at least he doesn't look like the furry-like Lion O from the new anime Thundercats (which is awesome btw), but this is just spot on.

The Legend of Awesome!!

This is a (GIF of a) tech demo of what The Legend of Zelda would look like on Nintendo's newest home console, the Nintendo Wii U. I must say that upon first glance, I was brought to tears... and I'm still crying to this day. It's SO gorgeous; graphically, and just how the character and the enemy looks in general! I hope whatever Legend of Zelda they decide to release on the Wii U looks like this! Dear Nintendo, please don't pull a dick move like SquareEnix and show off a tech demo of an amazing game that all of the nerds will buy and NEVER RELEASE IT!!! *cough* -remake of FFVII- *clears throat*